Why they celebrate christmas on South Africa?

 This date commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

according to the Bible. History says that the Jews were waiting for the arrival of a

savior, whose action would seal the covenant between God and men.

The New Testament raises the essence of why we celebrate

Christmas. The angel proclaims the "Good News" of Jesus' birth in the

population of Bethlehem. Now, Christmas is not counted among the festivities

original Christian ones, those made by Irenaeus of Lyons or by Tertullian, who

they are the oldest known and date back to the second and third centuries. It wasn't

until the fourth century when it began to be officially celebrated.


The first recorded mention of interest in date of birth

of Jesus we find in Alexandria, approximately in the year 200 of

our era. However, most sources agree that the first

Christmas celebration was held during the reign of Emperor Constantine,

December 25, 336. It wasn't until a few years later, with the

Pope Julius I, who on December 25 was proposed as the official date, and in the year

354, Pope Liberius decreed it thus.

By: Alexis Rios Piña


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